Digital Technologies

Southmoor is very proud of our Digital Technologies program.Driven by our passion for preparing 21st Century learners, technology is not only used to enhance student learning and engagement but also to develop the skills we believe learners need. These skills include: ■Collaboration ■Knowledge Construction ■Self-regulation ■Real-world problem-solving ■The use of ICT for learning ■Skilled communication. Our program and approach is always evolving, as is our technology which is constantly expanding and updating to currently include laptops, robotics, Spheros, Digital SLR cameras, 3D printing and Lego Wedo.

We employ a balanced approach to learning with technology, and the emphasis on skills such as handwriting remains (and will continue to remain) a priority at Southmoor, particularly in the early years. Our BYOD iPad program is used to enhance student learning, not as a replacement for pencil and paper learning. Southmoor’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions across all areas of the curriculum at school, in addition to their targeted Digital Technologies lessons each week. 

Every student participates in Digital Technology lessons as part of our STEAM program. The teaching and planning of our sessions stem from the content descriptors and achievement standards outlined in the Victorian Curriculum. All lessons or units of Inquiry are planned to allow all learners to develop an in-depth, thorough knowledge and understanding of digital systems, data and information and the processes associated with creating digital solutions. This enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions through the application of information systems and specific ways of thinking about problem-solving.

Students at Southmoor also participate in Dr John’s Digital Excellence program which allows them to work on specific skills and earn stickers that recognise their hard work and achievements. This program is embedded into our daily classroom practice; every classroom and learning area has access to a Large screen and Apple TV that allows students and teachers to mirror their devices for collaborative purposes, feedback and explicit teaching through worked examples.

Southmoor is an eSmart school, focussed on promoting safe, ethical and respectful communications and collaboration. A unique part of our innovative approach is inspired by Google’s Be Internet Awesome program. Strategies include a User Agreement, a Southmoor pledge to be cybersafe and think critically, and specific lessons. This strongly encourages our students to think about their online behaviour and answer three main questions:
Is this appropriate?
Should I be doing this?  
What is expected of me?
Our efforts culminate on eSmart Day when students and Staff participate in theme-based activities and dress ups to celebrate our pride in being an eSmart school which displays appropriate attitudes and behaviour.

Digital Technologies are incredibly valuable resources to enrich our teaching and learning at Southmoor and we feel confident that we are equipping our students in the best possible way for their future in an exciting, rapidly changing Digital World. 


Prep students at Southmoor will "Bring Their Own Device", an iPad, which they will use as they move through their junior years (Foundation to Grade 2). The iPad has been chosen as the device due to the intuitive use, variety and quality of applications available as well as familiarity for our students.

 Southmoor is very proud of our ICT (information communication technology) and interactive learning technologies program. Over the past 4 years, we have invested a significant amount of money into upgrading our equipment to support student engagement and to best deliver 21st Century learning programs. We started a iPad program in 2012, with two trolleys of 25 iPads that were shared by the whole school. Driven by our Digital Excellence program and increased teacher and student excitement for the many ways these devices can be used to enhance student learning and engagement. Since then, not only have we grown significantly in enrolments, but demand for use of the equipment has increased exponentially.

Southmoor Primary School has moved toward a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach in order to provide the access to learning technologies that the students are entitled to as per our philosophy of teaching and learning, but also the philosophy and guidelines of the Department of Education. We continue to utilise a balanced approach to learning with technology and the emphasis on skills such as handwriting remains (and will continue to remain) a priority at Southmoor, particularly in the early years. The iPads are a tool used to enhance student learning, not as a "replacement" for "pencil and paper" learning.

To purchase an iPad please visit our Portal hosted by JB HI-FI BYOD School Portal